
Tuesday, December 20, 2005

A subtle change...

Sunday night was the employee Christmas Party for Amsterdam. I had thought about skipping it, as I was really tired from spinning the night before. My social life, however, has been definitely getting short shrift lately and I decided that I needed to make an effort. Things started off kind of slowly, as the few people I usually talk with at the bar weren't going and I tend to be a little more reserved in the beginning. We headed out on the party bus to FEZ. The cocktails started flowing and I was sitting by people I didn't really know. Thanks to the magic of alcohol, the conversation loosened up. As chance would have it, I was sitting across from a guy I hadn't really gotten a chance to talk with before. He ended up being intelligent and seemingly down to earth in addition to being attractive. While I'm not saying there was a love connection, it was nice to meet someone and enjoy getting to know them a little bit, regardless of the outcome. That's been twice in the past month. I've really been trying to be more open to people and have fewer expectations. While I think I still have my ups and downs, things feel a little different, if only in subtle ways. Its been a good change, one that I hope to continue.

To continue the party update, dinner at FEZ was excellent. I'll have to eat there again soon. We then headed to Hamburger Mary's for a cocktail, then to E-Lounge and Apollo's. By the end of the evening, I had a hot guy feel me up in the bathroom at Apollo's, gave a couple of bucks to some hot strippers there, and was throwing up drunk. A cab-ride home completed the evening, before I passed out and woke up the next day for work, only slightly hung over.

For a party I was going to skip, I'm glad I went.


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