
Thursday, February 24, 2005

Way Fucked Up!

I don't know if you have seen the last couple of Brawny paper towel commercials, but for those that haven't, aside from screaming with homoerotic subtext, they're just downright creepy. The ad people for Brawny have apparently taken things a step further... They have these "Innocent Escapes" videos that feature a Stepford-type Brawny Man with a variety of videos that I can only describe as incredibly fucked up in a ultra-creepy way. The guy, admittedly, is kinda hot - he reminds me of an unstylish Kyan Douglas (of Queer Eye fame)... Still, I can't escape the feeling that he has a dismembered corpse stashed somewhere in that cabin... Check it out.

Thanks to Towleroad for this...


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